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Generation of page metadata

With the help of the AI Suite, you can also get support in generating or revising various SEO metadata. Currently, we support the most important SEO metadata (page titles, meta descriptions, OpenGraph tags, Twitter tags, and keywords).

1. Where can I find the function?

The page metadata generation can be done as follows:

  1. Switch to the 'Pages' module
  2. Select the appropriate page in the page tree
  3. Switch to the editing mask of the page properties
  4. Switch to the 'SEO' tab (for page title and meta description) or 'Metadata' (for Twitter and OpenGraph tags as well as keywords)
  5. Click the button next to the respective field for which you want to generate content

2. Structure/Process of Generation

  1. Click the button
  2. A notification box appears and signals to you that the process has started

3. Validating the Results / Selection of a Proposal

  1. Select a suggestion
  2. Adopt the suggestion into the corresponding fields (not available for all fields)
  3. Use the selected suggestion
  4. Save the page properties to apply the changes

4. View of the selected metadata

After successful saving, the metadata are present in the corresponding field.